An interesting inner monologue
Don’t have great skin? Don’t worry! My brutal perspective spares no one except for my grandmas. Everyone is ugly on the outside, you slimy mucus filled bacteria hole- but do you think if you ate Smurfs you would pee yellow? Your pillow is covered with fungus and bacteria digest your food. Don't want to face the icky parts of life? Don't worry, the DARPA, the research Arm of the US Army, as part of its Future Soldier 2020 program- has been food which you can hydrate by urinating on it. Mmmm tasty! Did you know that if you join the Army you receive 3 free Itunes songs?! The only way to deal with the bankrupt Fed/IMF system is through Senate action forcing bankruptcy reorganization and a return to Constitutional Congress controlled/audited responsible non-usurious national finance. You laugh but every animal must deal with excretory issues- its important to get all the waste out of your body for proper functioning. Well what better orifice to espouse waste than this here keyboard. Before you start whining- go drown in a bubbling dihydrogen monoxide pit, for The world is cruel- it cares not for feelings or philosophy- it cares for Paris Fing Hilton on Sweet Rich Bitch 16- hee hee look at me I am rich I'm in capitalist heaven too bad about you Africa orphans starving with AIDS flies, got nothin on my Jeter bling bling, all that matters is the spectacle or emotional affect. Mammon makes the world spin. No seriously Stigmatized Society Pulsing Pain Our society has become a simulation, all anarchy individuals interacting can’t control my itch can’t control yours. Care to experiment?
Well I’m just chilling in the woods, sleeping next to my plant, Mason- and suddenly I am handcuffed and chained to a cold metal bench. I realize it’s not a dream, and I’m being arrested for marijuana possession. David Spoey, you are accused of possessing a marijuana plant- thereby you are officially terrorizing this free country, and could possibly be aiding Osama bin Ladin. This devil weed was not grown by Jefferson, Washington, and for 10,000 years of human history. It was not the biggest cash crop of Kentucky before 1920. The declaration of hemp was not written on independence fiber. Seven Hundred Thousand people are not arrested each year for marijuana. Hemp's biomass surely can't replace produce an entire industrial civilization. I could write a book about you, Mr. Officer, about how Mason and I, and even you, we are all natures technology evolving itself over 3.7 billion years. About how this universe has reached the present moment after 13.7 billion years of physical evolution.
So You have the choice to drop the policeman act, and admit you are one human kidnapping me because I sat next to a plant. Does that sound like a free country to you? If the State is God marching on Earth, would Jesus have put me in handcuffs? Or do you work for Lucifer the lightbringing carerrorist?
Suddenly our entire misunderstanding dawned on me. I realized the whole concept of property was screwed- this is what those damn computer hackers were talking about in their free culture movement. They have a very simple libertarian premise- basically the Golden Rule. The only thing you should be able to own: man-made goods; not the earth including its SolaPlanta Gifts, Animated Beings, Da Cosmos, or Patterns of Data. The goal of society should be the maximum amount of freedom- because free thinkers produce innovation and prosperity. Drones without need of a cerebral cortex- they create Holocausts by blindly following evil power. To root out the cancerous core we must fully examine our most fundamental beliefs and actions- for in those safe castles of mind and body, evil slithers and makes itself at home- using deception in these times of information wars.
I used to be a better writer than I am now!
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