Luciferrous Livin'

The Light Bringer. Life is paradoxical, born of Chaos and cemented by the grey wrinkled quantum processor in our heads.

Friday, October 21, 2005

The Pluralistic Metaverse

Education is not filling a pail, but lighting a fire.
Men go crazy in herds, but recover their senses one by one.

We are human spiritual technology just beginning to evolve into the Global Brain- and then into the technological singularity of a Type 7 Civilization. We have the option of creating our gods or our destroyers.
We are human farming technology evolving for 10,000 years.
We are Father Nature's biological technology evolving itself over 3.7 billion years.
We are the Mother Universe’s physical technology evolving itself over 13.7 billion years.
If we can’t change society as a whole we must build our own Sposociety next to it.
In each square meter of land on this planet there is an abundance of wind, water, solar, geothermal, chemical, and potential energy for a entire nation of consumers.

Society is a great building of knowledge. A tapestry which each person adds to. We did not create our society- we were born into it. We did not create our chromosomes- they act by themselves. In fact the only thing we, as in "David Spoey," or you the reader have control over- is our conscious self. We have our R-brain which we share with reptiles. Our mammalian brain which we share with rats and chimps. Our associate cortices, which we share with other technomonkeys. And our prefrontal cortex, the seat of transcendent reason. A hundred times a day I remind myself that my inner and outer lives are based on the labors of other people, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving. -AE great quote

Men become smart individually, lose their minds in herds and alone, and recover them bit by bit.
The knowledge of truth still remains the same form in this book, but man’s truthful heart changes with each moment.
Things do not change, we change.

Tell the story of katabasis- the process of traveling as fully and deeply into one's night as possible; of entering the darkness and exploring its core, until one finally penetrates it. It is a journey that can only be undertaken by one individual at a time; it is a story that is freshly written with every person's unique voyage into the depths.

People want to be young, they wish for youth, I will freeze my head at least so I can bring my nervous system self back to life around 2050 when we have become a Type 1 Civilization. Oh what I wouldn't give to be able to live for a million years. Boredom is so 1990s! We have the internet and TiVo and OnDemand- add in food and you've got at least half of that million tied up already.

As far as we know, we all die, so what really matters, happiness or money, friends or foes, hate or love, violence or peace?I thought this to myself at my friends funeral, and then at my grandma's, whos last words to me were "I love you." I keep that in perspective when I feel inner negativity. Some answers mortals must not know. Its all a joke anyways, played on mortals who choose to descend to the physical world from the spiritual world. Dust to dust we only live through physical machines. A human computer is a physical computer, just like the processor fueling your current virtual reality. I can recite a story in a sentence, and you just finished praying your penance- to clean your sinful nature- the black man with a black leather coat and Bible. On the Ohio State Oval he declared going to the bar after an exam would allow Satan to infect my life. Well, a society that promotes the number one date rape drug on television and starts wars for profit is obviously sick enough to allow Lucifer's ethyl alcohol into the Serpeant's Lair. What do you think this is, Nepal? Team America speaking? F Yeah!

Believe in yourself, you are all you have. Drive your own ship, master your own mind, take control of your life.

Busy busy all so busy worrying about money job family bills tests cars phones emails family friends job money sleep food sex body sex body sleep phones emails money money stress bills lawyers doctors tests cars vacations- I need one! Is there anyone ignorant enough to which you can't learn anything from them? I learn from everyone and teach everyone, I learn from everything and also affect everything.
To communicate successfully with someone, you have to find a common ground with them- well said by Nick my former high school rival. Have I foudn a common ground with you? Well, probably a few but you keep throwing them away you random twit! Keep to one topic before you make my head spin!
The well is deep with truth- never exhausted. Metaphors are potent with meaning because they synthesize multiple dissimilars into similarity- such is the ultimate syncresis.

Self respect is the corner stone of all virtue- the foundation from which you build a great life. Write a page of reminders- sometimes life tears you apart. You have to gether yourself with personal meaningful reminders to get you back on track.

Pansexuality and Pantheism shall be the norm in the Healthy Hedonistic society we shall bring about. Viewing the Public sex life of celebrities through magaziners like US Weekly aren't we priveleged, buster the bone addict, naala the sock adict, eddie has the burger habit, and fido the ice addict. action is beautiful, each second is an opportunity, justify military spending through wars and carerror, everything should be legal but violence, balls out, lucky leon mistake arrogance when your are self confident and have self respect- which are the foundation of all virtue- ultimate reality show with 10 families 10 gladiators and the gladiators fight to the death to fuck the other’s wives and take their children into a feast.
There are Few possibilities in elder’s mind- matter anitmatter ultimate duality bankrupt corporate vision I don’t care about people said immortal brain shit. It’s the little things details that matter --> Always? Well not Not always. People don’t want truth, people want escape from truth- in the human potential condition struggle creation and destruction I am spoetic. Society of simulated spectacles post modern gnosis 2nd level demiurge techno sexual scapegoat get a tattoo of leon the lizard with a shiny crown.

Possibilities personifying princes pickling pillows peacefully in the parks, sought suddenly simultaneous succession such sorts seemed a progression of sporting players.

You are a pattern redrawing itself, dismembering itself every 10 days- all of your cells get replaced from your skin to your blood- but you have the same sense of self- because yourself arises from intelligent organization of the atoms- not the atoms themselves. We can bond with another human or even a dog, but it is hard to bond with sand, because it is quite simple and doesn't give you much biological feedback. We are guilty of biophilia but can you blame us?

Each organism alive now is the product of 3.7 billion years of nature’s designing her technology. She has designed quite a dynamic and diverse array of patterns.

See I am torn, I believe capitalism fuels war and much suffering and destruction, that usurious money fuels the capitalist orgy which could doom the world for future generations, but I really want to be a part of it. It seems the most logical thing in the world to believe that the natural resources of the Earth, upon which the race depends for food, clothing, and shelter, should be owned collectively by the race instead of remaining the private property of a few social parasites. Oh stop it, socialism will never work unless its global.

Hold on and cease this dotcommunistic nonsense! Stop believing in things and start consuming. Time is an illusion. The only time now is party time.

Meta naval gazing is not interesting. Who cares who gunk you have in your brain?

Just how important is each human? A natural drive for any human is recognition and social importance, but the ugly truth is that we eat shit fuck and kill like any animal- the exception proves the rule double edged swords of goodness abjuring evil.

Human society evolves through transformations of spiritual or physical technology.

Therefore, although the sun is free and the technology needed to convert its radiation into useful energy has been around for over five decades, solar power accounted for only .025% of United States power generation in 2001 (860 million of 3.8 trillion kilowatt-hours).

Finish your beer. There are sober kids in India.

Bear swats fish out of river like human robber is a fish and im a seagull we write a story together, I smashed the fly onto my finger. The baby fly thinks we are all clapping for him on his first flying test. The smoking gorilla hides his cigarettes- typical addict at the zoo.

I’m trying to brainstorm. I’ve been taught then when you brainstorm- its good not to be so quick to dismiss outlandish ideas- for the most deviant or preposterous ideas sometimes turn out to be cold hard facts. Stop reacting and start creating.

I have met so many wonderful people, so many good hearted people, so many kind and helpful and polite people. I have met so many intelligent people, so many geniuses who didn’t even realize it, all of them vectors of intelligence. I wish I had unlimited time to meet and share reality with every human. Unfortunately I am not mortal, and my time and attention are absolutely limited ( ican barely remember your phone number or your name if I'm drunk (sorry Megan)) So I have a little less excuse to start working towards my goal. Irrationality is absolutely awesome sometimes- as an aspect of reality not a contradiction. Quantum mechanics isn't purely rational- it is chaotically artistic.

I am so lucky to be born in America as a white male. Although I think it would be cooler to be a seagull- I have no complaints. One has to accept your lot in life- but not your destiny- which you co-create. Luck will affect you, but where you go from there is up to you. You create your life! How much potential do you have? Unlimited! Theoretically, there is nothing preventing you from living forever and spreading your seed all over the universe. Reality is not what you think you can do, its not what you can believe you do, its not what other people want you to do, its what you can get away with- what you are present to experience. Being with humans is often frightening and one can see how social anxiety can arise- because your greatest predators are the bipedal creatures walking around you- these naked talking heads.

Words can sometimes in times of grace attain the quality of deeds. Something to do, someone to love, and something to hope for. That's all you really need. Do you define yourself or do you let society define you?

Money MONEY MONEY Sex Money Sex Money Violence!?

Going back into the past is a retreat reflex on circuit I. The neophobia is the same in all cases- the imaginary past into which various nervous systems are hooked may differ, but the fear of stepping forward into the future is the same as that of the child not willing to leave the mother, the security blanket, the original infantile biosurvival imprint. All the signals are jammed because nobody knows where the real power is. All leaders and tyrants are isolated from reality by those who surround and curry for their favor. Who shall define the future- the money people or the idea people? The stupidity, brutality, and banditry around us are what one should expect on a primitve planet with low technology and only a few hundred years of science. The Hindu game, the Catholic game, syncresis all faiths together, I’d find life a bore if I weren’t playing for very high stakes in a very high risk situation. Meanwhile, until they shovel me under, I still think our side Is winning and that the power brokers you worry about are a bunch of dying dinosaurs. In that case, the age of mammalian predators isn’t ending, and we are deluded visionaries seeing a future that can’t happen yet. The order of nature is nothing to be angry at. Collection of information and the production of misinformation. SNAFU principle in a centralized authoritarian organization vs decentralized automatic intelligence. sPermatopia. Autopia. Newtopia. Eutopia. Fratopia.

National security is the chief cause of national insecurity. Every law creates a whole new criminal class overnight.

Drug prohibition always will be a boon to the criminal class.

There should be two laws in our society- thou shall not kill and thou shall not steal.

Murder is an act of infinite cruelty. Do you value life or not? Where do you draw the line? Americans, Humans, Animals, Plants, Bacteria, Archaea? I'm sorry, Mr. Judol I just drooled on the test, could I get a new Scantron Sheet?

Straightforward and from the heart. I really like food.
Artificial intelligence- we shall invent our gods or our destroyers.
Aliens- these are the enemies we should be preparing to fight if necessary, let's unite the world against solar terrorism

A secret elite group controls the world through its interest-bearing floating debt currency- the Federal Reserve Note- the petrodollar (US dollar). What does this mean to you, a normal American? Well just think about how many times this week you worried about money, or did something to get money that you didn’t want to do. You are forced to stress about money every day, while the bankers create money out of thin air. Your everyday existenc is being damaged by this international demonic banking cabal. Controlling the entire globe’s finances through their instrument of debt (the Federal Reserve note), they control the economics, religion, military, government, media, and many peoples' minds. And it's all legal, passed in 1913 while Congress was out for Christmas by Woodrow Wilson.

The ruling elite of global society has almost completed its destruction of America’s sovereignty. Soon all nations shall fall into line as vassals of the New World Order. On September 11, 1990, George H. W. Bush gave a speech asserting the New World Order had arrived. Eleven years later, the ruling elite attacked America- blaming Al Qaida- an American funded terror group. The ruling elite used 911 as a Reichstag event, dragging the corporate military America into two Middle Eastern countries, and allowing for pre-drafted legislation curtailing civil liberties.

I work hard now so I can party the rest of my life.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are:
War, Religion, Ignorance, and Pelf (Mammon/usury)

This fucking wishy washy crap, if god brings it to you, then he will bring you through it- well what about death? What about AIDS? What ab out being born to a crack addicted whore in the midst of the ghetto? What about being born with no cerebral cortex? What about being born and dying before you can eat? That being said, I do believe everything happens for a reason.

Be happy for this moment, for this moment is your life.
Alright I thought, that makes sense, carpe diem right! So i tried to hit on this girl in Brooklyn...and she called the police...i mean wow...i know you dont know me..and have never seen me..and i could have a disease ...but damn girl..can a brotha get a chance?

What's the secret? we are all rich, we are all powerful. Being poor is just the manifestation of the poverty consciousness pushed into your mind by the moneyed media. Just by being alive and kicking, we have more wealth and abundance than we can imagine. Fight against those who hold tyranny over you. If the police are fighting against you, should you fight against them? Why do we have to fight at all?

A TranSPOE Tocsin is a warning.

Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it.
Humankind cannot stand very much reality. The celebrities and those famous people become gods to be worshipped to aleviate the wretched reality of our profane mortality. We know of God's potential, and are supposedly made in his image to spend $600 billion dollars in a national violence program against strange humans in this world without strangers. Pay the violent people to go to war and boost your economy! Sounds good for everyone!
To be pleased with one's limits is a wretched state.
Its whats on the inside that counts
The PTC gets Emotional with the porn site- violent images of pornography are actually sacred?

Stories about Sports, FooDrugs, Military, Sex, and Insanity captivate us all

The hunger site feed a child with every click, don't clik and you kill a child.
The hope of the internet and the self destructive nature of evil are two reasons to be optimistic in the future power struggles.

Two ripped midgets strolled down the street wearing “Got Midgets” t shirts, red plastic balls hung from the red Ford Pickup, a stringy dark haired yuppy towered above the street riding a tall circus bicycle. I’m liking this global warming stuff. I notice that the trees are mostly green. Its late October, and its really hot outside. I should be wearing shorts but I forgot to change my dirty jeans. I have a feeling that when global warming causes the ice caps to melt and ocean levels to rise with destructive storms- Canada will become more inhabited as its tundras melt, and the place to be will be Kansas- a landlocked paradise.

My name is Jenny Hubris. My life is ruled by love. I think everyone’s life should be organized lovingly. Life should be one long love song. I love Zen and my family and my friends.

Good things are done second by second, moment by moment, day by day, thought by thought, action by action, little by little.
Men go mad in herds and regain their sense one by one.good in prolonged details enjoy the moment because the moment is your life
Eventually we shall cover the entire universe with our nervous system, and then go outside it. Electrochemical patterns are everywhere. Maybe there is no electron?
Taxidermy syncresis everything happens for a reason it starts with sex believe vs truth some things just stick with you the first time devil gives us the theory of evolution fusion energy model of intelligent machine society grows into instant connection ufology if aliens exist then are humans so special? Would that change people’s religion?

The intelligensia serve their powerful elite masters- they have been trained to do their bidding by the society meme- do what’s good for society- which is a good thing! No one knows where the real power is, so no change is made.

This headline struck me “10000 Earthquake children face death.” Don't think about it, you can't do anything about it. You are a bad person.

And when the revolution happens, I want the government to be run by a electronically elected popular vote for 300 members of my nation.

The prismactic images of this fractal reality
Diversify your electronica Ova dis place!
Meaning is fluid- all of enlightenment has not finished- the end is not the end- the never ending story yes it goes on and on my friends!

If an animal’s being merged through Mind Melding producing dual unity with any level of entity.

Cafe Hora:
Always do right this will gratify some and astonish the rest -MT
Crime does not well as politics.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
All our dreams can come true if we have te courage to pursue them.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." -- Frederick Douglass
None so hopelessly enslaved as the ones who falsely think they are free.
The hardest thing to see is the thing in front of your eyes.
The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers and cities; but to know someone here and there who thinks and feels with us, and though distant, is close to us in spirit - this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden.
This is the highest wisdom that I own; freedom and life are earned by those alone who conquer them each day anew.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Jody hates to be alone. She used to sleep with her parents. Humans are social animals. Meet my chimp uncle Tony- he’s great- I see a bit of him in all my technomonkey friends- drink more alcohol you friggin morons! Except these new technomonkeys- they are quite narcissistic- because they are actually aware of their historically symbolic selves existing as multidimensional nexus in time- unlike even symbolic animals- they don’t know the past or the future and they don’t have full human consciousness. Let’s back up a second, anyone who thinks the author is a pretentious prick, until I tell you to stop, you close your eyes and look at the ceiling.

Why has the sacred become profane and vice versa? You can be arrested for making love in public, but collected groups of politically conscious humans declare open hostility to entire nations. Have you seen the site nowthatsf* yeah its really a great one, alluring soldiers and veterans to post gory war pictures in exchange for naked wife pictures. Oh man, this site just makes me feel real good about america’s direction. Debaucherous and brutal and corrupt? Nah! Overorked? Kinda? To get back to my joint I’d like to state that I reject your reality and substitute my own, as I hope and assume you will do as well. I can’t live your life, I have enough troubles of your own. If you are looking for a saviour- I can introduce you to some, but I’m just an angry technomonkey who wants efficient transportation, healthy hedonism as a public policy, and type seven civilization. I want immortality and refuse to spread the death virus to our children, whom we create in the most sacred act of integrating two intelligent beings in the precious beauty of sexual reproduction. The child, now grown with a beard, had come to give his deadbeat father what he owed him. He left the sticky mess on his head- didn’t even wake the bald man up. And there you see kids, the entire difference between nurturing caring females and domineering impatient females comes down to one biological You might be a psychological fart with too much cognitive dissonance to split a wig, but I’m going to bust your ass so hard you won’t be able to pronounce vowels. Such violent language- he looked at the website in disgust of the horrible pictures detailing profane pictures of pornography, people participating in huge orgies, moaning and yelling- this isn’t real life bitch this is your imagination, get the fuck back to your control station its time to read about this babe who popped out of your ass! He’s pink and shit but I’ll go wash him off in the lake. He has your eyes honey, but my ears. We shall come him David. He’s a good scapegoat. His skin is so soft, like a god’s diaper. They must be jealous of us mortals who’s tenous grasp on existence serves to tan their entire existence. Who wouldn’t be desirous of the godlike human body? Anyways these technomonkeys like their electronica- I think its the destiny of their evolution to spread their Many technomonkeys kill themselves over small aetheric ripples emanating from their voice boxes. What do words mean- all kids need to realize that words don’t mean anything by themselves- just like money. Different currencies like the Chinese remnibi and different languages like Swahili wouldn’t work here, because they are meaningless symbols to Americans. Some Americans themselves over images. Did I mention America has 2 million prisoners. Did I mention America spend at least $600 billion the army last year? It’s surely good to live in an empire. Hopefully its not a dying empire, because the time before death can get quite tenuous. These technomonkey political elites- heirs of the Indian killers and International Bankers, they are carrerorizing the world to bring about their new world order. I’d say we’d let them- we’d be better off working on Global Corp. slave farms than in today’s horrific movie theaters and Walmarts. We don’t know how good we have it, considering I just did a DriveByWiFi on this newly gentrified place outside 11th street and the first headline on Google News was 10000 earthquake children face death- I can do nothing but let my subconscious absorb the negative thought- I swear in my mind once again to help them on a massive scale- just a great rationalization but hindsight is closer to 20/20.

Many of these technomonkeys just let their DNA programming and free radicals drag them to dust. Take my friend here, his name is Schmalls. He loves his Portable Crack Station 3. When he picks it up, he sacrifices his attention to push magnets around on a tiny screen. It is really quite addictive. Just ask Dave Chappelle- hes been in rehab for Warcraft- I seen him on the television marketing his brand of courageous crackfilth just like the rest of our cultural signposts. Oh where oh where does Paris Hilton live- in the minds of every Tele Vized American. Does she really live there, or is she just time elapsed images in our head. Television is real, but its not human experience. It is fooling us to resemble reality, but it is merely the shadows of reality. Actors are paid to lie, and telelvions are built to transform tiny magnets into screen symbols. But I digress. I should be speaking of the Ultimate Reality Show 3, tonight On Fox, in which gladiators fight to earn riches, food, and (if the ParentsTelevisionCouncil stops bitching) sex. This shit makes UFC look like Gandhi at KFC- which incidently is the feast- with mashed potatoes of course. Don’t forget dangerous weapons and In every different permutation!

See my beef with literature is that it exists in a cold hard place on the page, while you sit in meatland- taking my symbols and creating meaning in yslfewelvjkchwekj head. Do you know what I maen?

Sometimes literature takes on the character of actions- in those special times when text excites your mind, and you lose your conscious self and become the meaning in the page. It grabs your heart like a sailor knot- you can’t stop reading- you are so taken off guard by my writing you want to hear what I have to say. Because I value your opinion even more than you are confused by mine.

Your special place- your sense of self crafted through years of experience- that is most valuable to many humans. Keep this place safe from any Wimp, any Hater, any Profanity. Respect this place and you can get as dirty as you want in the froth of this life. Remember two things stand out- kindness in other’s troubles and courage in your own. Hell talk to those standing next to you, be the therapist, be a noticing listening person for others in this crazy inverted world- our culture is mentally ill from the symbolic financial fuel to the vampiric consumption to the lack of moral clothing to the massive presence of suffering to the massive failure of intelligence to the willful ignorance and powerlust of a few alpha male families. This is what happens when you start typing and don’t stop until you can’t type anymore. Free association gives a glimpse into the harried train of consciousness of many levels of thought and degrees of feeling, dimensions, and logic. But don’t take my word for it. Write your own spontaneous burst of thought and send it to me at Flex your creative muscles- insight and imagination, unlike normal good habits, come in flashes- as if they come from God. For me, I don’t understand how people can believe in the evil theory of evolution. Satan’s agents here on Earth, operating under the influence of Lucifer the light bringer, have The energy source you speak of is ATP, glucose, maybe even some creative phosphate. If you want to create a hole with your words, and plug it with some feelings- then more power to you.
But isn't there real and make believe in this world?

Dreams are real to you. Your bed is real to you. Your God might even be real to you. But the facts remain: we live in a physical universe. You might create all sorts of entities in your mind- but that doesn't mean they exist externally. Isn't there really the real and the unreal?

Personally, since God is everything, he is the chaos worshipped in the temple of the screaming electron, allowing for tunneling and free will. Humans, like all life, are amplifiers of the chaotic reality we inhabit. Each human, each atom, contains the entire universe in its being. Maybe that feeling is the awareness we are trying to find- to bridge the ultimate divisions between all competing entities- becoming one with anything we choose in a dually unified consciousness.

And that was 3 hours of nonstop texting...Hope you enjoyed- sorry about the loose fragments I know that makes it rough! Oops couldn't go to sleep, here come's more mental diarhhea:

TheFacebook is Big Brother with a smile. We carerrorize for your security. We watch for our curiousity. We don't mean any harm. No one must find the truth buried in our elite occult texts: that the universe was created by a second tier, minor demiurge as sort of a sick practical joke. See Heaven is a funny place, people have a good time, they loosen up-everything’s been done up there a million times, ya know. This onanist saw his victim and pictured green roses. The Old Testament was this inferior deity pretending he was the real thing. You’ll meet this specimen later.

The ultimate essence-the New Testament God- we’ll call him IAM, finally awoke from a nap and realized his social inferior had created a universe made of chaotic matter spiraling through space, on top of his IAMic chest. Great, now I am responsible for this joke of a universe. He told Jesus to die on the cross for the demiurge’s shadowy influence- whom he sentenced to Sisyphysical movement for the remained of infinity. Jesus died- all sins were forgiven, and The demiurge- Tempter, Satan, Lucifer, Evil Serpeant- was banished from the world. Sounds gravy, but why is there still evil if Lucifer has been banished? Because his shadow remains cast on the world- knowledge of evil and deception. The fruition of the truism- Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted. And now there are people who act in Lucifer’s name- the Light Bringer, who claim to get judgment from the AntiChrist.

So you’ve seen the score folks. The odds are against us. Good is the underdog in this sticky mess of a universe, where justice for evil is an illusion, just like the miserably short brutish existence experienced by humans- who are all too aware as the primary conscious beings- that they are nothing more than sexual animals- vehicles to pass their species information. In that sense, a bacteria is worth more than a virus, an ant is worth more than a bacteria, a gecko is worth more than an ant, dog is worth more than a gecko, a chimp is worth more than a dog, a human is worth more than a chimp, and two nuclear bombs blessed by Christians are worth more than millions of humans.

In a merciful universe, nothing would happen. Boredom has its downfalls.

I had a horrible dream last night. First thing I remember, I was hauling the garbage bag from the kitchen can to the dumpster.
The African kid met me beside the dumpster, “Please sir, may I have your bag.”
I was like, “naw man, you don’t want this shit, shits rank dude.”
“Sir, a dumpster like this could save our village.”
“Then take from the dumpster and not my trash.” I threw the full white bag on top the dumpster pile.
The African boy started crying tears of blood and the red liquid ran down into the concrete. From its residue popped dozens of immense red roses, with huge enveloping petals. One of the roses swallowed me whole and transported me to a village in Ethiopia, where the suffocating stench of stale death was in the air. Bony people lay in the streets; flies circled them and fed off their dead skin. A few shanty medical buildings appeared- inside were syringes labeled AIDS. I hoped they were vaccines. I saw a child fight a dog for a scrap of dirty dog fat. One child started eating the bark of a tall oak tree. I approached the child and tried to make friends but I got a cold stare- the eyes of my little brother without feeling. Then I saw the submachine gun at his feet- I backed away. He couldn’t have been more than 8 years old, just like my little brother back home in Ohio. When I heard the feral screams at nightfall, I closed my eyes and cried. O Lord such death upon this place?
I was alone in a dark jungle. I felt a fly on my nose, and I swatted it. I felt a few others and swatted them, realizing only more were coming in their place. Suddenly I was covered with thousands of flies, I had become a human fly sticker. I rolled around and felt the fly guys smash all over my flesh. I felt hungry.
Then I was put into the body of a Texas Back in America at Sonic sitting in my Chevy SUV waiting for my two-dollar tacos and soft drink, I listened to my friend’s oral diarrhea- I think im getting fat the doctors told me I could take pills that block you from getting high but then I couldn’t eat fatty foods and I really want to get a sexy ass so I can finally talk to black dudes because they don’t want to touch those anno looking girls I hope I don’t look that way. I think desperate housewives is on its so awesome I don’t know what I’d do without it.
I turned up the country music. At least the Bengals were 4-0. I was born in Cincinnati on September 11, 1984.
When I Woke up, echoing over and over was “Your dumpster could save my village.”

The visceral, smelly, sticky, painful, stressful, frightful, pleasurable, euphoric, rushing, blurry, memorized, dreamed aspects of life must not be forgotten in our hallucination of objectivity. I used the urinal, and walked right past the dude at the sink, putting my dirty hands all over the door handle which he must use to get out. Life does not exist in a cage somewhere, it hurts, it feels good, it is experienced. That is truth! Humans create evil and food, I mean good.

We are all soldiers of the Earth, doomed to die in battle against the forces of death and darkness- unless we can create a way to give ourselves everlasting life in this universe.

I am sure you will ignore me. You will laugh and say, Oh spoey, he’s so crazy and idealistic- get help- lay off the drugs- get focused- however I am not motivated by insanity or ideals- but the empathy for the suffering of others, and desire for my own happiness.

Rights of control over your property are of the most essential in society, especially the right to control your body, mind, house, family, and assets.
A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove you don’t need it.
October 17, the day when bankruptcy becomes a lot harder. Cheers!

Therefore, insult is the most potent form of argument- ignoring one’s argument while derogating the agent. I would like to insult my own work repeatedly, naming it with negative words. To neutralize any criticism, I will say them all here- and we can forget about blame and move to action. The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names- the act of naming focuses a part of reality from the blistering infinite chaos of reality. To a person, a name is a most emotional symbol/noise which vibrates one's very being. I have a feeling my name is safe in your mouth, but hopefully you shall eventually prove me wrong- because what is life worth living without drama? Ad hominem Man is here to save the day with distraction and agent destruction removed from any MPDeity worshipped by reality.


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